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Naenae, 2 bedrooms

Rent: $660 per week
Letting Fees: No Letting Fees
Location: Rata Street, Naenae, Lower Hutt
Available: Sat, 22 Feb 2025
Rooms: 2 bedrooms / 1 bathrooms
Furnishings: Heat pump, dishwasher, rangehood, oven, hob, clothesline, rubbish & recycling bins
In the Area: Local shops, public transport
Parking: Single garage with carpeted floor
Trademe Link: JAL925
Apply Now

This beautiful two-bedroom townhouse is ready and waiting for you to call it home. Decorated throughout in neutral tones it will be your own slice of paradise.

The kitchen has all the mod cons including a dishwasher. The heat pump will keep you warm in the winter and you will enjoy time on the sun-drenched secluded deck over the summer months.

There is an additional toilet downstairs for your convenience. The single garage is carpeted and can be utilised as you see fit. It also includes a laundry area and additional storage.

On the upper level are two generous double bedrooms. These both have double wardrobes fitted out with storage units so you can gain full use of the space.

The fully tiled bathroom is luxurious and features an extra large shower, vanity, mirrored cabinet and heat towel rail.

If you would like to arrange a time to view please contact Liane Bowden on 021 117 0440.

Useful Links

Map: Naenae, Lower Hutt

Ph 04 973-9517 or Mob 021 1170-440
Pinnacle Property Management Ltd - Ph 04 973-9517   Mob 021 1170-440   Email
PO Box 47031, Trentham, Upper Hutt 5143, New Zealand

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